Available WFM widgets

The following widgets contain statistics for WFM.


Page Location

Data Explorer > New Dashboard or Dashboard (in Dashboard list) > Add Panels > WFM Widgets

Homepage > Edit Dashboard > Add Panels > WFM Widgets

Agent Call Volumes Widget

The Agent Call Volumes widget displays an agent’s call volumes for the selected date range. Data can be grouped by day or by month. If you group data by day, the range is one month. If you group data by month, you can select a range of two, three, six, or twelve months. Hover your pointer over a data point in the chart to display a screentip containing the exact value for the data point. Agents can view their own handled calls and transferred calls. Supervisors, schedulers, or administrators can view handled calls and transferred calls for agents within their scope. See Customize a Data Explorer widget to learn more about the fields for this widget.

You can choose to display the following data elements from the Series drop-down list:

Calls Handled — The number of contacts that the service queue or agent handled during the interval.

Calls Transferred — The number of ACD calls the agent transferred during the interval.

NOTE   A zero in the graph indicates the agent logged in during the day but took no calls. No data in the graph indicates that the agent did not log in on that specific day.

Agent Calls per Hour Widget

The Agent Calls per Hour widget displays the average number of ACD calls per hour an agent handles over the selected date range. Data can be grouped by day or by month. If you group data by day, the range is one month. If you group data by month, you can select a range of two, three, six, or twelve months. Hover your pointer over a data point in the chart to display a screentip containing the exact value for the data point.

A call is counted in the schedule interval in which the agent answers it. You can choose to display the Calls per Hour data element from the Series drop-down list. Calls per Hour is the average number of ACD calls per hour an agent handles. See Customize a Data Explorer widget to learn more about the fields for this widget.

EXAMPLE   If an agent answers a call at 10:58 and completes the call at 11:03, that call is counted in the 10:00–10:59 schedule interval, not the 11:00–11:59 schedule interval.

Agent Percentages Widget

The Agent Percentages widget displays your occupancy ratio, your percentage of calls answered, or both for the selected date range. Data can be grouped by day or by month. If you group data by day, the range is one month. If you group data by month, you can select a range of two, three, six, or twelve months. Hover your pointer over a data point in the chart to display a screentip containing the exact value for the data point.

You can choose to display either or both of the Occupancy % and Utilization % data elements in any order from the Widget Configuration panel. Occupancy % is the percentage of in-session time that the agent spends in active contact handling states (for example, on incoming calls, in wrap-up activity, on outbound calls). Utilization % is the percentage of offered calls that the agent answered. See Customize a Data Explorer widget to learn more about the fields for this widget.

Agent Time Distributions Widget

The Agent Time Distributions widget displays the average time you spent in a specific ACD state for the selected date range. Data can be grouped by day or by month and is expressed in seconds. If you group data by month, you can select a range of one, two, three, six, or twelve months. Hover your pointer over a data point in the chart to display a screentip containing the exact value for the data point.

You can choose to display up to three of the following data elements in any order.

Data Element Description
Average Processing Time The average amount of time an agent was in ACD states related to processing a call. The ACD states included in this average depend on which of the following ACDs your system uses:
  • Unified CCE or Unified CCX—The average amount of time an agent was in the Talking, On Hold, Work Ready, and Work Not Ready states.
  • Avaya AACC—The average amount of time an agent was in the Talking, On Hold, and Break (Work) states.
  • Avaya CMS—The average amount of time an agent was in the Talking, On Hold, and After Call Work states.
Average Talk Time The average amount of time an agent was on incoming ACD calls, beginning when the call is answered and ending when the call is disconnected, including hold time.
Average Hold Time The average amount of time the agent placed calls on hold, including hold time for transfers and conferences.
Average Work Time The average amount of time an agent spent in the Work state immediately following an ACD call.
Average Ready Time The average amount of time an agent was logged in and available to accept ACD calls.
Average Not Ready Time The average amount of time an agent was logged in but not available to take ACD calls.

Agent Time Totals Widget

The Agent Time Totals widget displays the total time an agent spent in specific ACD states for the selected date range. Data can be grouped by day or by month for ranges between 1 and 12 months and is presented in HH:MM:SS format. Hover your pointer over a data point in the chart to display a screentip containing the exact value for the data point.

You can choose to display up to eight of the following data elements in any order.

Data Element Description
Total Processing Time

The total amount of time an agent was in ACD states related to processing a call. The ACD states included in this average depend on which of the following ACDs your system uses:

  • Unified CCE or Unified CCX—The total amount of time an agent was in the Talking, On Hold, Work Ready, and Work Not Ready states.
  • Avaya AACC—The total amount of time an agent was in the Talking, On Hold, and Break (Work) states.
  • Avaya CMS—The total amount of time an agent was in the Talking, On Hold, and After Call Work states.
Total Talk Time The total amount of time an agent was on incoming ACD calls, beginning when the call is answered and ending when the call is disconnected, including hold time.
Total Hold Time The total amount of time the agent placed calls on hold, including hold time for transfers and conferences.
Total Work Time The total amount of time an agent spent in the Work state immediately following an ACD call.
Total Ready Time The total amount of time an agent was logged in and available to accept ACD calls.
Total Not Ready Time The total amount of time an agent was logged in but not available to take ACD calls.
Total In Service Time

The total amount of time an agent was in the Ready, Talk, Hold, and Work state. Default option for Series 1 in the Widget Configuration panel.

Total Login Time The total time during the period the agent was logged into the ACD. Default option for Series 2 in the Widget Configuration panel.

My Schedule Widget

The My Schedule widget displays a summary of an agent’s schedule for one day with the default being today.

NOTE   If a project or exception activity has a note associated with it, a shaded triangle appears in the upper right corner. Hover over the activity to view the note.

The widget also shows the agent’s current adherence (A) and conformance (C) percentages for the day. For information about how the adherence and conformance percentages are calculated, see Real Time Adherence Widget.

If the agent is not scheduled for any activities, My Schedule displays the message, “Nothing Scheduled On This Day.”

You can view past and future schedules one day at a time by clicking backward and forward through the calendar pages.

The activity start and end times shown are based on the Display Time Zone configured for the agent by the administrator, while the date is based on the WFM server’s time zone. If the schedule crosses midnight, the start times for activities before midnight are highlighted. For more information about time zones, see About time zones.

Agents cannot modify the My Schedule widget. Supervisors can modify the widget by selecting the agent whose schedule is displayed in the widget and renaming the widget as desired.

Real Time Adherence Widget

The Real Time Adherence widget displays real time adherence data for selected agents. The widget updates data every 30 seconds. Click the Display Summary check box to show a summary of results at the top of the table. Click the Right Arrow icon in the top right corner of the widget to go to the Agent’s Schedules page. See Customize a Data Explorer widget to learn more about the fields for this widget.

You can display selected agents and series in any order. Click, drag, and drop an individual agent or series to the intended location in the list.

Sort the table rows in ascending or descending order by clicking the column header.

NOTE   The Real Time Adherence Widget does not update at the same time as the WFM Adherence drawer on the Agent Explorer page. See View agent adherence and conformance.

Service Queue Performance Widget

Only supervisors, schedulers, and administrators can access the Service Queue Performance widget. It displays the real time service level performance (% Service Level) for the selected service queue and optionally the goal (forecasted) service level performance as well. The widget updates data twice hourly: on the hour and at 30 minutes past the hour. You can group data by day or by interval for ranges between 8 and 180 days.

The service level percentage is the percentage of actual calls answered for each interval within the service threshold time.

To compare the actual service level performance (%SVL-A) with the goal (forecasted) service level performance (%SVL-G), select Interval from the Group By drop-down list, and then select the Goal check box in the Widget Configuration panel.