Real Time Adherence Widget

The Real Time Adherence widget displays real time adherence data for selected agents. The widget updates data every 30 seconds. Click the Display Summary check box to show a summary of results at the top of the table. Click the Right Arrow icon in the top right corner of the widget to go to the Agent’s Schedules page. See Customize a Data Explorer widget to learn more about the fields for this widget.

You can display selected agents and series in any order. Click, drag, and drop an individual agent or series to the intended location in the list.

Sort the table rows in ascending or descending order by clicking any column header.

NOTE   The Real Time Adherence Widget does not update at the same time as the WFM Adherence drawer on the Agent Explorer page. See View agent adherence and conformance.


Page Location

Data Explorer > New Dashboard or Dashboard (in Dashboard list) > Add Panels > WFM Widgets > Real Time Adherence

Homepage > Edit Dashboard > Add Panels > WFM Widgets > Real Time Adherence


Configure the widget display

  1. Click Settings in the upper right corner to open the Settings window.
  2. Select what you want displayed in the widget.

    Field Description
    top drop-down field Select how you want to filter the information in the widget. By default Show All is selected. You can filter by service queue, group, team, or skill mapping.
    Agent Click the drop-down to select which agents you want to display in the widget.
    Series Select the series you want to display. The order in which you select them is the order, left to right, they are displayed in the widget. See Series Descriptions for an explanation of what each series shows.
    Display only out-of-adherence agents Select this check box to display only the agents who are out of adherence.
    Display Summary

    Select this check box to display a summary of the data at the top of the widget. In this example, the Display only out-of-adherence agents was selected. If it wasn’t, the summary would show Displaying All Agents.

  3. Click Apply.

Series Descriptions

The series that can appear in the panel are listed below.

Series Description
State Duration The length of time the agent has been in the agent state.
Adherence State Displays if the agent is not in adherence and if the agent is in adherence.
Schedule Activity The agent’s current scheduled activity.
Agent State The agent’s current ACD state.
Adherence %

The percentage of time that an agent follows their schedule. When calculating adherence, WFM considers the configured Adherence State Mappings and can include scheduled arrival and departure times, breaks, lunches, and time spent on scheduled activities, and compares the actual activity to the scheduled activity each millisecond through the work shift.

Adherence is calculated according to the following formula:

[(configured schedule adherence minutes – minutes not in adherence) ÷ configured schedule adherence minutes] × 100

In this formula, “configured schedule adherence minutes” is the sum of time scheduled for activities the administrator has configured in the Application Management application’s Calculate Adherence column as “Yes.”

NOTE   If the formula produces a negative value, the field displays a zero (0).

Conformance %

The percentage of time an agent works the right amount of time regardless of the time of day when the agent works. Schedule conformance does not take arrival and departure times into account.

Schedule conformance is calculated according to the following formula:

(total time an agent is in a ready, talk, hold, or work state) ÷ (total scheduled In Service time) × 100

In Service time does not include lunch, breaks, projects, or exceptions.

Reason Code The reason code associated with the Logged Out and Not Ready state in the Scheduled Activity column. The reason codes displayed are those associated with the agent’s main service queue.