View agent adherence and conformance
The Adherence drawer displays the real-time agent data and adherence and conformance percentages for the agents in the Agents list. Open and close it by clicking the arrow control to the right of the Agents list. When the drawer is open, the data is refreshed every 30 seconds.
NOTE The Adherence drawer does not update at the same time as the Data Explorer Real Time Adherence widget. See Real Time Adherence Widget.
WFM collects real-time agent state data from the ACD and compares it with the agent schedules to calculate the adherence and conformance percentages. The adherence and conformance values are calculated every 15 minutes.
NOTE The adherence and conformance percentages in the Adherence drawer are updated every 30 seconds and rounded up to a whole number. These percentages might be different from the percentages displayed in the Adherence Details drawer because each drawer refreshes at a different rate, and the Adherence Details drawer displays the adherence and conformance percentages as a decimal instead of a whole number.
IMPORTANT A second Data server must be created to send productivity data to Data Explorer for agents supporting a non-interactive service queue. If this additional Calabrio ONE Data Server is not in use and an agent is supporting a non-interactive service queue, Data Explorer is not receiving productivity data for that agent. This is true even though the information is visible in the Adherence Details drawer. This means that the agent will be out of adherence in Data Explorer reports.
The following table lists the fields in the Adherence drawer.
Field | Description |
Agents | The agent’s name. |
Red or green ball icons | A green ball indicates that the agent is in adherence. A red ball indicates that the agent is out of adherence. |
Schedule Activity | The agent’s current scheduled activity. |
Agent State | The agent’s ACD agent state. |
RC | The reason code or description (if any) associated with the agent’s ACD state. The reason codes are those associated with the agent’s main service queue. |
A % |
The agent’s adherence percentage. Adherence is the percentage of time that agents follow their schedules. When calculating adherence, WFM considers scheduled arrival and departure times, breaks, lunches, and time spent on scheduled activities. It then compares the actual activity to the scheduled activity each millisecond through the work shift. For example, an agent who is scheduled to be in service at 09:00 and to log out at 16:00, and who sticks to that schedule for the entire day, is 100% in adherence. Adherence is calculated by the following formula: [(configured schedule adherence minutes − minutes not in adherence) ÷ configured schedule adherence minutes] × 100 In this formula, “configured schedule adherence minutes” is the sum of time scheduled for activities for which the Calculate Adherence option set to Yes (see Customize adherence state mappings). NOTE If the formula produces a negative number, the field displays a zero. |
C % |
The agent’s conformance percentage. Conformance is the percentage of time an agent works the right amount of time, regardless of the time of day the agent works. Schedule conformance does not take arrival and departure times into account. For example, an agent who is scheduled to work from 08:00 to 16:00 but instead works from 10:00 to 18:00 would be conforming, but not adhering, to the schedule. Conformance is calculated according to the following formula: (total time an agent is in a ready, talk, hold, or work state) ÷ (total current scheduled in-service time) × 100 In-service time does not include lunch, breaks, projects, or exceptions. NOTE (Five9 ACDs only) Real-time data is captured at the interval for the duration of the interval period. However, the data can be retrieved by Web Services API requests only a certain number of times per minute, per hour, and per day. (Consult Five9 Customer Support for more information on these limits and how to change them if necessary. The APIs used are getUsersInfo, getSkills, getAgentGroups, and runReport.) Because of this, if the interval is set to a value that is too small, data can be missed in capture after the maximum number of API requests have been made for the hour if the time between the last allowed capture and the beginning of the next hour is longer than the capture interval. To determine the lowest interval threshold, use this formula: |