Request a schedule trade

Use the schedule trade request to trade an entire or partial scheduled work day with someone else’s whole or partial scheduled work day. These trade requests can be with a specified agent (a private trade) or with any agent in your view (a public trade). You can ask to trade shifts on the same day (for example, you might want to trade your 7:00 AM–3:00 PM shift with someone else’s 10:00 AM–6:00 PM shift) or for different days (for example, you might want to trade your Monday off for a Friday off).

If you want to trade multiple segments of your schedule (for example, if you want to trade a split shift) you must submit separate requests for each segment of the shift.

NOTE   The main service queue must be configured for agents to perform a schedule trade or offer.

The following table describes the fields in the entire day Schedule Trade Request dialog box.

Field Description
Public Trade Select this check box to post your schedule trade in the Public Box of all agents in your view. Clear this check box to trade with a specific agent in a private trade.
Confirm (Public trades only) A reminder that you will be asked to confirm or reject a proposed trade from the replying agent. This check box is read-only and cannot be cleared.
Requesting Agent (Read-only) Your name.
Scheduled Date The date you want to trade. By default, it displays tomorrow’s date.
Entire Day Select this check box to trade an entire day.
Responding Agent (Private trades only) The agent with whom you want to trade shifts.
Scheduled Date (Private trades only) The date you want to trade with.
Expiration Date (Public trades only) The date the request expires.
Write Comment (Optional) Click to enter a comment regarding the exception request. Any comment you add is not saved until the exception request itself is saved. Max characters = 250.

The following table describes the fields in the partial day Schedule Trade Request dialog box.

Field Description
Public Trade Select this check box to post your schedule trade in the Public Box of all agents in your view. Clear this check box to trade with a specific agent in a private trade.
Confirm (Public trades only) A reminder that you will be asked to confirm or reject a proposed trade from the replying agent. This check box is read-only and cannot be cleared.
Requesting Agent (Read-only) Your name.
Scheduled Date The date you want to trade. By default, it displays tomorrow’s date.
Entire Day Clear this check box to trade a partial day.
Time Enter the start and end times of the hours you want to trade.
Responding Agent (Private trades only) The agent with whom you want to trade shifts.
Scheduled Date (Private trades only) The date you want to trade with.
Time (Private trades only) Enter the start and end times of the hours you want to trade with.
Expiration Date (Public trades only) The date the request expires.
Write Comment (Optional) Click to enter a comment regarding the trade request. Any comment you add is not saved until the trade request itself is saved. Max characters = 250.

Create a new schedule trade request

  1. Click New Request, and then choose Schedule Trade Request from the menu.
  2. Complete the fields.
  3. If this is a private trade, click Analyze to compare your schedule on the proposed trade date with that of the person with whom you want to trade to make sure that the trade is possible.
  4. If desired, click Write Comment and enter a comment.
  5. Click Submit.

A private schedule trade request flows through the system as outlined in the following table.

User Action Shows Up Here Status
Agent A Creates new request Agent A’s Outbox Pending
Agent B Receives trade request Agent B’s Inbox To-Do
Agent B Accepts/refuses trade request Agent B’s Outbox Submitted/Refused
Agent A Receives Agent B’s answer Agent A’s Inbox Submitted/Rejected
Supervisor Receives accepted trade request for approval Supervisor’s To-Do Box To-Do
Supervisor Approves/denies trade Agent A’s Outbox Approved/Denied
Agent B’s Inbox Approved/Denied
Supervisor’s All Box Approved/Denied

A public schedule trade request flows through the system as outlined in the following table.

User Action Shows Up Here Status
Agent A Creates new request Agent A’s Outbox Pending
All Agents See trade in Public Box Agents’ Public Box Not applicable
Agent B Accepts trade request Agent B’s Inbox Pending
Agent A Receives Agent B’s answer Agent A’s Outbox To-Do
Agent A Confirms or rejects Agent B’s acceptance Agent A’s Outbox Submitted/Denied (Rejecting the request creates a copy of the request that shows Denied on it, and the original request goes back to Pending)
  Agent B receives Agent A’s confirmation/rejection Agent B’s Inbox Submitted/Denied
Supervisor Receives accepted and confirmed trade request for approval Supervisor’s To-Do Box To-Do
Supervisor Approves/denies trade Agent A’s Outbox Approved/Denied
Agent B’s Inbox Approved/Denied
Supervisor’s All Box Approved/Denied