Request mentoring

Use a mentoring request to ask for one-on-one coaching from a fellow agent. All mentoring requests are posted in the Public Box, and any agent can respond. A supervisor or administrator must approve the mentoring request. When the request is approved, the exception is added to your schedule and to your mentor’s schedule.

The following table describes the fields in the Mentoring Request dialog box.

Field Description
Mentoring Date The date on which you want to schedule the mentoring session.
Exception Type Select the appropriate exception from the drop-down list.
Start Time The start time of the mentoring session.
End Time The end time of the mentoring session.
Description A description of the purpose for the mentoring session. Max characters = 251.

Create a new mentoring request

  1. Click New Request, and then choose Mentoring Request from the menu.
  2. Complete the fields.
  3. Click Submit.

A mentoring request flows through the system as outlined in the following table.

User Action Shows Up Here Status
Agent A Creates new request Agent A’s Outbox Pending
All agents See request in Public Box Agents’ Public Box Not applicable
Agent B Accepts mentoring request Agent B’s Inbox Pending
Agent A Receives Agent B’s answer Agent A’s Outbox To-Do
Agent A Confirms/rejects Agent B’s acceptance Agent A’s Outbox Submitted/Rejected (Rejecting the request creates a copy of the request that shows Denied on it, and the original request goes back to Pending)
  Agent B receives Agent A’s confirmation or rejection Agent B’s Inbox Submitted/Rejected
Supervisor Receives accepted and confirmed mentoring request for approval Supervisor’s To-Do Box To-Do
Supervisor Approves/denies mentoring request Agent A’s Outbox Approved/Denied
Agent B’s Inbox Approved/Denied
Supervisor’s All Box Approved/Denied

For more information about submitting mentoring requests, see About automatic changes to requests.