Configure notifications
Calabrio ONE can inform users about system events via messages called notifications.
The notifications can be in real time or delivered in summary form on a schedule you set up.
Notification recipients are organized in notification groups. The group defines the type of event that triggers a notification, the members of the group (just yourself or multiple members), how often you receive notifications, and the method used to send them.
Your access to what you can configure and the method of delivery depends on your login and the permissions configured for your role. Those permissions define which system events you can be notified about.
Login Type | What You Can Configure |
Non-administrator users |
Notifications for yourself via alert, email, or mobile notification. (Mobile notifications are for cloud deployments only.) |
Administrators |
Field descriptions
The fields on the Notifications page are described below.
Field | Description |
Notification Scope |
Choose the scope of the notification group: notifications just for yourself or notifications for multiple users. |
Notification Group Name |
A unique name for the notification group. |
Notification Types |
Select the type of notifications you want to receive. The types available to you are determined by the permissions set for your role on the Roles page. |
Real Time Notifications |
Complete this section to receive notifications in real time. |
Summary |
Complete this section to receive notifications as summaries. |
Delivery Method |
Choose the method you want to use to receive notifications. If you opt for email delivery and the notifications are just for you, not for multiple users, the email address used is the one configured for you on the Users page in the Username field. |
Email Distribution List |
(“These notifications are sent to multiple users” option only) In the field below the list pane, enter an email address, and then click Add. Once in the list pane, you can click the pencil icon to edit an address or the X icon to delete an address. |
Number of Notifications |
Defines how many notifications Calabrio ONE sends for an event. The system reports some events as they occur, while others are reported every time the system polls. By specifying this number you can make sure you are not sent many notifications for the same event. |
Summary Configuration |
Select the conditions under which you want to receive a summary report. |
Schedule |
Use this section to configure the delivery of notification summaries. |
Send Summaries Every <time period> |
Enter how often Calabrio ONE sends a summary to you. The default time period is every 24 hours. |
Starting Date and Time |
The date and time the summary period starts. |
Notification types
There are three types of notifications:
- Informational—An expected event has taken place
- Warning—A condition exists that will lead Calabrio ONE to stop working if it is not corrected
- Error—A condition currently exists that could cause Calabrio ONE to stop working
Notifications can be sent in the following ways:
- Alerts displayed in the application
- Emails sent to a designated distribution list
- Mobile notifications sent to your mobile device (cloud deployments only)
Tenant administrator and user notifications
This table lists the notification types available when you log into Calabrio ONE as a tenant administrator or other user.
Notification | Description and Solution |
Agent Login (Support) |
Informational: An agent has logged in to Calabrio ONE. Solution: No action needed. |
Agent Logout (Support) |
Informational: An agent has logged out of Calabrio ONE. Solution: No action needed. |
Analytics Data Server Error (Support) |
Error: The Analytics Data Server is not communicating with the Analytics grid server. Solution: Check the Analytics Data Server logs, and verify its connectivity. Check if the database is accessible. |
Approaching low disk space (Support) |
Solution: Free up used disk space or add additional storage. |
Approaching recording capacity (Support) |
Solution: Add another Record server. |
Bulk Contact Export Error (Business) |
Error: Calabrio ONE failed to transmit the bulk contact export file. Solution: Verify the bulk contact export target location settings. |
Bulk Contact Export Success (Business) |
Informational: Your Calabrio ONE bulk contact export request was successful. Solution: No action needed. |
Capture Plugin Data Server Error (Support) |
Error: The capture Data Server is not communicating with the Calabrio ONE Application server. Solution: Check the capture Data Server logs, and verify its connectivity. Check if the database is accessible. |
Capture Request (Business) |
Informational: Your Calabrio ONE capture request for WFM historical data was successful. Solution: No action needed. |
Client Installation Error (Support) |
Error: Calabrio ONE was not installed correctly on desktop. Solution: Verify the Smart Desktop installation. Refer to the Installation Guide for Cloud Deployments for more information. |
Contact Goal All Users Completed (Business) |
Informational: Alerts the goal creator and all users assigned to a Contact Goal when all tasks in the Contact Goal are completed. Solution: No action needed. |
Contact Goal Completed (Business) |
Informational: An agent has successfully completed his or her Calabrio ONE QM contact goals. Solution: No action needed. |
Contact Goal Created (Business) |
Informational: You have successfully created a Calabrio ONE contact goal. Solution: No action needed. |
CTI Plugin Data Server Error (Support) |
Error: The CTI Data Server is not communicating with the Calabrio ONE Application server. Solution: Check the CTI Data Server logs, and verify its connectivity. Check if the database is accessible. |
Data Server Connected (Support) |
Informational: A Data Server has been connected to Calabrio ONE. Solution: No action needed. |
Data Server Disconnected (Support) |
Error: A Data Server is not communicating with the Calabrio ONE Application server. Solution: Check the Data Server logs, and verify its connectivity. Check if the database is accessible. |
Data Server Missed Heartbeat (Support) |
Error: A CTI Server, SIPREC Signaling Server, or Recording Server has been disconnected from the wfoadapter server for at least ten minutes. A tenant task checks the server connection every five minutes. If the connection fails two of these checks, Calabrio ONE sends this alert and continues to send the alert every five minutes until the server is reconnected. Solution: Check that the server computer is running. Check that the server service is running. Check that the server computer is connected to the network and can access the wfoadapter server via the network. |
Delayed Storage Retrieval Complete (Business) |
Informational: Your data in storage has been successfully retrieved. Solution: No action needed. |
Desktop Client Async Logs Complete (Support) |
Desktop Client Async Logs Error (Support) |
Distribution Request (Business) |
Informational: A Calabrio ONE WFM user has made a distribution request. Solution: No action needed. |
Evaluation Appeal Request (Business) |
Informational: Either of the following occurred:
Solution: Review the evaluation and any comments entered by the user. |
Evaluation Audit (Business) |
Informational: An evaluation you are associated with has been updated. This notification is sent to both the agent associated with the contact and the person who updated the evaluation. Solution: No action needed. |
Evaluation Needs Approval (Business) |
Informational: A Calabrio ONE QM user has completed an evaluation. Solution: Save the evaluation. |
Exceeded low disk space (Support) |
Solution: Free up used disk space or add additional storage. |
Exceeded recording capacity (Support) |
Solution: Add another Record server. |
externalStorageLocationError (Support) |
Error: During a run of the Archive Contact Handler task, Calabrio ONE encountered an error connecting to an external storage location. Solution: Check the configuration of your external storage location and test your connection to it. |
Failed to Capture Desktop (Support) |
Error: A Calabrio ONE QM user cannot make desktop recordings. Solution: Verify the Calabrio ONE Smart Desktop configuration. |
Failed to Record Screen (Support) |
Error: The alert reads as follows: EXAMPLE Desktop Event: <version number> - Screen Recording failed to start. This notification occurs when a user has failed to record screen for a single call. The user is configured correctly to record screen, and the Smart Desktop attempted to record screen, but the attempt was unsuccessful. Solution: If the problem occurs consistently for a single device using Desktop Recording, verify the installation of the service on that PC. Uninstall the Smart Desktop, restart the PC, and reinstall the Smart Desktop on the affected PC. Contact Calabrio Support Services if the problem persists. |
Failed to Record Voice (Support) |
This notification is caused either by an error originating from Smart Desktop or from CTI Signaling. Smart Desktop Error: If Smart Desktop is the cause of the error, the alert reads as follows: EXAMPLE Desktop Event: <version number> - Voice Recording failed to start. This notification occurs when a user has failed to record voice for a single call. The user is configured correctly to record voice, and the Smart Desktop attempted to record voice, but the attempt was unsuccessful. Solution: If the problem occurs consistently for a single device using Desktop Recording, verify the installation of the service on that PC. Uninstall the Smart Desktop, restart the PC, and reinstall the Smart Desktop on the affected PC. Contact Calabrio Support Services if the problem persists. If this problem occurs on many phones in a Server Recording environment, verify the service is not running near capacity and that the configuration is correct. Contact Calabrio Support Services if the problem persists. CTI Signaling Error: If CTI Signaling is the cause of the error, the alert reads as follows: EXAMPLE Signaling Server Event: Voice recording failed to start. This notification occurs when the CTI Signaling server could not initiate a call with an associated recording server. The “Details” line of the event message indicates one of two categories for this failure: “Details: No SIP INVITE”—This error occurs when the CTI Signaling server did not receive a SIP INVITE message from the CTI signaling JTAPI source.
“Details: No connected client”—This error occurs when the Signaling server is not connected to any recording server associated with the device.
Forecast Accuracy Request (Business) |
Informational: A Calabrio ONE WFM user has made a forecast accuracy request. Solution: No action needed. |
Forecast Request (Business) |
Informational: A Calabrio ONE WFM user has made a forecast request. Solution: No action needed. |
FTP Plugin Data Server Error (Support) |
Error: Calabrio ONE was unable to transfer data from the data server. Solution: Check the Data Server error logs. Verify communication with the data server. |
Historical Data Import Error (Support) |
Error:Calabrio ONE detected an error attempting to load historical data. Solution: Check Data Server error logs, consult your system administrator, and restart the service. |
Historical Merge Request (Business) |
Informational: A Calabrio ONE WFM user has made a historical data merge request. Solution: No action needed. |
Major record server overload (Support) |
Solution: Add another Record server or contact Calabrio ONE support. |
Major recording upload backup (Support) |
Solution: Add another Record server or contact Calabrio ONE support. |
Messaging Request (Business) |
Informational: A messaging request that you submitted has been approved or denied. This includes when an Intraday Dynamic Scheduling event selection has been approved. Solution: No action needed. |
Metric Statistics (Support) |
Informational: A Calabrio ONE WFM user has made a metric statistics request. Solution: No action needed. |
Minor record server overload (Support) |
Solution: If you receive this notification frequently, add another Record server or contact Calabrio ONE support. |
Minor recording upload backup (Support) |
Solution: If you receive this notification frequently, add another record server or contact Calabrio ONE support. |
My Scored Evaluation (Business) |
Informational: An evaluation of a contact that you handled has been completed or edited. NOTE If the evaluation requires approval, you receive this notification when the evaluation has been approved. Solution: No action needed. |
No Phone Detected (Support) |
Error: The Smart Desktop listened for a daisy-chained phone but did not find one after six minutes. This results in the service not recording. The most likely cause is the phone is not properly daisy-chained to the PC or the device is not configured to send its RTP traffic to the PC. This is a useful message for deployments or if the phones are continuously connected to the PCs that record them. If PCs are routinely disconnected from the phones, you might want to consider disabling this problem. Solution: Disable this problem if PCs are disconnected from phones. Otherwise, check the configuration of the device in and verify ‘SPAN to PC Port’ is set to ‘Enabled.’ Check the physical connection between the PC and phone to verify they are daisy-chained correctly. See the Calabrio ONEInstallation Guide for Cloud Deployments for information on configuring the hardware for Desktop Recording. |
QM Voice Processing (Business) |
Informational: An agent has logged on to Calabrio ONE. Solution: No action needed. |
Reconciliation Completed (Business) |
Informational: This notification alerts you every time a reconciliation job completes successfully. It includes the job number and the job’s start and end time. NOTE To assign this notification, you must have the Administer QM and the Receive Business Notifications permissions. Only assign this notification if your contact center has a recording architecture that requires reconciliation. Solution: No action needed. |
Recording Export (Business) |
Informational: Your contact export request completed successfully, and your contact is ready for download. Solution: No action needed. |
Recording Maximum Length Error (Support) |
Error: A recording has reached your organization’s maximum call length as configured on the QM Global Settings page. Solution: Review the recording to determine whether the contact was actually longer than your max call length or whether the recording length is an error and the recording should have stopped sooner. If the recording length is an error, that usually means that Calabrio ONE did not receive a call end event from your signaling provider. If you get this notification multiple times, there may be a problem with your signaling provider. |
Retrieve Data Server Logs Error (Support) |
Error: Your request for Calabrio ONE Data Server logs could not be completed. Solution: Verify the Data Server connectivity. Check if the database is accessible. if the issue persists, contact Calabrio Support Services. |
Retrieve Data Server Logs Success (Support) |
Informational: Your request for Calabrio ONE Data Server logs completed successfully. Solution: No action needed. |
Schedule Change (Business) |
Informational: Someone (such as a scheduler or analyst) has made a change to your schedule, for example, moved your break time. Solution: No action needed. |
Schedule Reminder (Business) |
Informational: This is a reminder about an upcoming scheduled activity. Reminders are sent only to Calabrio ONE users who are currently logged in. They are sent 15 minutes before the activity is due to start. Solution: No action needed. |
Schedule Request (Business) |
Informational: This is a notification to a Calabrio ONE user who made a schedule request that the request has been approved or denied. Solution: No action needed. |
Shift Budget Analysis Request (Business) |
Informational: A Calabrio ONE WFM user has made a shift budget analysis request. Solution: No action needed. |
Signaling Server Active (Support) |
Informational: A signaling server has become active. Solution: No action needed. |
Signaling Server Forced Standby (Support) |
Error: The signaling server has entered forced standby and is inactive. Solution: Check the signaling server logs for further information. |
Signaling Server Uncontrolled Failover (Support) |
Error: The active signaling server failed, and the standby signaling server is now active. Solution: Check the signaling server logs for further information. |
Signaling Server Maintenance Failover (Support) |
Error: The active signaling server entered maintenance mode, and the standby signaling server is now active. Solution: Check the signaling server logs for further information. |
Signaling Server Telephony Provider Failed (Support) |
Error: The signaling server lost its connection to the telephony provider and is inactive. Solution: Check the signaling server logs for further information. |
stagedUploadServerConnectionFailure (Support) |
Strategic Forecast Request (Business) |
Informational: A Calabrio ONE WFM user has made a strategic forecast request. Solution: No action needed. |
Sync Plugin Data Server Error (Support) |
Error: The Sync service has failed. Solution: Perform the following steps:
Two Stage Plugin Data Server Error (Support) |
Error: An error has occurred in the two-stage data upload process. Solution: Check the Data Server logs. If the issue persists, contact Calabrio Support Services. |
Unexpected Error on Desktop (Support) |
Error: An unexpected error occurred executing a task. Solution: Check the desktop debug file for the reason associated with this error. Restart the agent’s desktop. If the issue persists, contact Calabrio Support Services. |
Voice Packets Not Received (Support) |
Error: Calabrio ONE has not received packets on the SPAN port. When you are monitoring an agent’s customer contact, you can hear nothing. After 15 seconds, an error message indicates no packets are being received. Your attempt to record the agent’s customer contact results in an empty recording. Solution: Verify the following:
Also, verify the configuration of the agent’s phone codecs. |