Manage multiskill groups

Multiskill groups are used to schedule agents to support multiple service queues during the same period of time. A multiskill group is made up of a number of service queues. Each service queue is weighted by percentage to indicate how much of an agent’s time is spent supporting that service queue within the multiskill group.

Scheduling agents for multiskill groups is reflected in calculations such as Agents Scheduled and Service Level Scheduled. Because the agents split their time among multiple service queues, their contribution to each service queue by percentage is reflected in these calculations.

Field descriptions

Use the Multiskill Groups page to create, edit, and delete multiskill groups.

BEST PRACTICE   Do not delete multiskill groups. If you delete a multiskill group, all the agent schedules associated with it are also deleted.

The fields on the Multiskill Groups page when you edit or delete an existing multiskill group, or when you create a new multiskill group, are described below.

Field Description
Activity Metadata

(Optional) Assigns default metadata values to, or removes default metadata values from, any or all of the following activities:

  • In Service
  • Overtime
  • Closed Service

For more information about configuring metadata values, see Manage activity metadata values.


The agents who you can assign to the multiskill group. You can search for agents with the basic or advanced filter, and you can assign one, multiple, or all agents to the multiskill group.

NOTE   An agent can belong to only one multiskill group. Assigning an agent to a multiskill group automatically removes any previous multiskill group assignments for that agent. You are not warned if an agent belongs to another multiskill group or if they are removed from a multiskill group that they have previously been assigned to.

Color The color that represents this multiskill group in the schedule.
Multiskill Group Name The multiskill group’s name.
Service Queues

The service queues that you can assign to the multiskill group. You can assign one, multiple, or all service queues to the multiskill group. Each service queue must be assigned a weight (percentage). The weight is the percentage of time that an agent assigned to this multiskill group spends supporting that service queue. The weights must add up to 100 percent.

NOTE   If a service queue is deleted or has the “Do not generate forecasts or schedules for this service queue” check box selected, its weighting is not automatically redistributed to the other service queues in the multiskill group.