Review Active Directory sync results
Use the Active Directory Sync page to check which users from Active Directory (AD) are and are not matched with Calabrio ONE users or to export the list of AD users as a CSV file. A Matched status indicates the AD user is matched with a Calabrio ONE user. A Not Matched status indicates the AD user is not matched with any Calabrio ONE user.
By checking the results of your Active Directory synchronization you can verify:
- Everything synced as intended.
Users were matched who should be unmatched:
If you no longer want a Calabrio ONE user to be linked with an AD user, you can unlink them. When a Calabrio ONE user is unlinked from an AD user, Calabrio ONE stops updating the user and the user’s Recording user profile when properties are changed in AD, and it enables the user’s Windows login for editing. See Connect to an Active Directory server for more information on unlinking users.
- Users were unmatched but should be matched. If so, ensure active directory was correctly configured. See Connect to an Active Directory server
- A configured Active Directory
- The Administer Active Directory Authentication permission
- The Administer Tenant permission
Page location
Application Management > Monitoring > Active Directory Sync
Filter results
To narrow the results of your Active Directory synchronization, select the desired filter from the Filters drop-down list.
NOTE The filter does not affect which users are included in the CSV file.
Export results
To export the synchronization results in a CSV file format, click CSV Export.
A CSV file is created that contains all AD users, both matched and unmatched, where:
- Active Directory Login is the “User logon name (pre-Windows 2000)” property of the AD user.
- SMTP Address is the “E-mail” property of the AD user.
- Status
NOTE Your AD configuration determines the users who appear in the table, the frequency that Calabrio ONE updates the table, and the properties that Calabrio ONE uses to match users.
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