Amazon Connect Field Notice

Configure Agent Event Metric Data Capture

The following topic details the procedures for configuring agent event data capture. This ensures the actual agents metric accurately represents the FTE number of agents that were handling contacts or were available to handle contacts during each 30-minute interval.


Amazon Connect deprecated certain metrics for agents when grouped by queue that Calabrio ONE used for historical data calculations. Specifically, "Agent on Contact" and "Agent Idle Time" were deprecated when grouped by queue due to Amazon no longer being able to accurately provide the data.


NOTE   There is no requirement to create a custom report for agent real-time data.

Required Actions

Page location

Amazon Connect > Data streaming

Amazon: AWS Management Console > Services > Amazon Kinesis

Calabrio ONE: Application Management > System Configuration > ACD Configuration


Verify the agent stream you have configured in Amazon Connect

  1. In the AWS Management Console, navigate to Amazon Connect > Data streaming.
  2. Take note of the name of the Kinesis Stream entered in Agent Events.

Create a new Kinesis Firehose stream for agent events

  1. In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the Kinesis service.
  2. Under Kinesis Data Firehose click Create delivery stream.
  3. Configure the fields as follows.

    Field Configuration
    Delivery stream name Enter a unique name for the Firehose.
    Source Select Kinesis Data Stream. Choose the Kinesis data stream you configured for agent events (in Amazon Connect > Data streaming, the Kinesis Stream entered in Agent Events).
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the Record transformation field, select Disabled.
  6. In the Record format conversion field, select Disabled.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Configure the fields as follows.

    Field Configuration
    Destination Select Amazon S3.
    S3 Destination

    S3 bucket—Select the S3 bucket that you are using for Calabrio ONE.

    Backup S3 bucket prefix - optional

    Prefix—Enter a unique prefix followed by a forward slash. Failing to add a forward slash results in errors when configuring the Amazon Connect ACD. This prefix creates a folder in the S3 bucket where the CTRs are stored. S3 automatically adds the current year as a suffix when it creates this folder.

    Backup S3 bucket error prefix - optional

    (Optional) Leave blank.

  9. Click Next.
  10. Configure the fields as follows.

    Field Configuration
    S3 buffer conditions Select the buffer conditions that you want.
    S3 compression and encryption Leave the S3 compression and S3 encryption options disabled (default).
    Error logging Enable or disable error logging.

    Tags - optional

    Enter the Key and Value - optional if desired.

    IAM role Select Create or update IAM role (default).
  11. Click Next.
  12. Review your firehose configuration, and then click Create delivery stream.

NOTE   See Creating an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream from Amazon’s Developer Guide for more information.

Edit your Amazon Connect configuration in Calabrio ONE

This procedure ensures your Amazon Connect instance points to the S3 bucket of the Kinesis firehose stream created in the previous procedure.

  1. Navigate to the ACD Configuration page in Calabrio ONE.
  2. Select your Amazon Connect instance in the ACD Servers list and click the Edit button.
  3. In the Agent Real Time Report S3 Folder text field, enter the path to the folder that contains agent real-time data. Exclude the S3 bucket prefix. This path is case-sensitive.
  4. Click Save.

NOTE   If no call data is available during an interval, (as in, no calls are offered or handled) then the interval of that time frame will appear blank.